Why does inspiration strike in the shower? It happens to me every time. I can spend the morning wracking my brain for an idea or struggling with not feeling good about a project. Then, when my time is expended and I have to get ready for my work day, I get in the shower and BAM! brilliant insight hits.

OK you may say, “Carol, why don’t you just shower first thing when you wake up?” That’s a sensible idea and I don’t like it.

Ultimately, what happens is I run around dripping looking for the closest writing implement to jot down my brilliant idea – and hope like heck that when I am able to read it later it all makes sense. 

This is followed by frustration of not being able to work on the Brilliant Idea and I always think, “I just wish I had more time.”

Time is not measured by clocks but by moments

If time wasn’t actually measured by clocks, why do we have clocks? Honestly, I understand the sentiment, “it’s moments that make our life meaningful and memorable” and I believe that. My memories are linked by the moments that moved me.

I’m not one of those people that has a photographic memory nor am I a person that can remember specific days or chains of activities. My memories are more like flash cards – these sights, smells and feelings that strike me: laughing while making cookies with my children – the vanilla and brown sugar taste, the cookie dough texture and their smiling faces when I give them a scoop of raw dough on a teaspoon. 

Or swinging as a child: my hands being chafed by the rope, the sunlight trickling through the leaves, the wind in my hair and my heart racing as I pumped my legs and tried to swing higher.

The time I have spent on this planet is marked by these intense bursts of joy (and sometimes pain.)

The Trouble is, you think you have time.


The problem is that we feel like we have so much time when we’re young we learn how to waste it. Wasting time becomes a habit and then suddenly you’re mid-life and time becomes precious. You’re looking around wondering, “Where did the time go?” Unfortunately, some years only had a handful of memorable moments… and they have somehow still blipped by.

Time is what we want most and what we use worst – William Penn

Now that I am facing time crunch, I plan my time better. Don’t think for a moment I don’t waste time anymore – because I do – I just limit the amount of time I allow myself to waste on a daily basis. Instead, I create blocks of time that I plan to accomplish my personal goals and stick as closely to my schedule as possible. I work daily to improve my good habits. 

However, when I’m with family and friends, I make a mental note to disregard distractions as much as possible. I let my personal goals take a back seat and I focus on who I’m with and how I feel and am actively creating more memorable moments. 

My technique to actively create memories with my kids: Make plans, follow recipes, share memories, and discuss the possible future. 

Having More Time

Yes, my inspiration for creating “More Time” was this idea that time is running out; time on this earth and especially time with loved-ones. I want to grab these moments with both hands and hold on tight. 

I have this idea that I may not be able to create “More Time” in my life but I can make that time better.

Time is not refundable, use it well.

More Time Is For Sale