
Art and Blog

I think most artist websites provide you with the stunning array of their artwork with the details of the size of the art and where to buy originals and prints.  Totally makes sense.

But, as per usual, I have decided to try something different.  If you read the full explanation on the About page  each painting is a glimpse into my everyday life. I think the story is as important as the imagery; the two work in unison when I am creating.

Art is a personal thing – if it’s successful, the image speaks to people; makes them feel something and maybe even reflect on their own lives.  However, there have been times I have seen a piece of artwork I admire, and wonder what the artist was thinking…. and so, I’m offering that to you, the viewer.

The blog posts below are just that – the insight into what my inspiration was for the work.

Also, if you’re interested in buying a piece of art or print – check out the Shop. : )

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

The title of this piece, “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea” is an idiom. Tenth grade English class may have explained that an idiom is a group of...


Turn and Face the Strange Many times (for me) seasonal changes become an involuntary period of reflection. This autumn season is no different from years gone by. I think it...

The Key

I wonder: When we are born, are we given one key to happiness? Do we spend our time testing a whole ring of keys to find the right fit? Over...

Far Afield

I enjoy my own sense of humor.  (See About page) I laughed the entire time I was painting the bird’s butt onto the abstract background. The impetus of this painting...


Sometimes a drawing starts with a word or an idea.  Then, I spend some time thinking about the visuals that characterize the meaning for me. Redemption is one of those...


Recently, I found a post on Pinterest that gave the directions for starting your own bonsai tree from a pine cone.  I’m going to give it a try.  It seems...

Live Music

I bought a record player last year.  Periodically, I peruse record stores – I especially like the second-hand shops –  and have re-purchased some of my old favorites. These albums...


From the minute we first wake up in the morning until our head hits the pillow again at night, we spend our day – sometimes mindlessly – making choices.  Black...

A Lincoln Sparrow

I honestly can’t remember when I first learned about Abraham Lincoln.  I’m sure snippets of his life showed up in the Scholastic flyers that were distributed in school – it...

A Little Hope

February was a bleak month.  I created “A Little Hope” to remind myself that sometimes, that’s all that’s needed.  There was this point, as we learned more and more about...